Interlocking Card

Hi everyone,

I have a quick post for you today to show you a fun Interlocking Card.


and here is what is looks like when you open it up : )


Products Used:

HCPC 3468 – Tattered Blossoms PreCut Set
HCPC 3477 – Bird Haven PreCut Set
HCPC 3551 – Holly Berry PreCut Set
HCD 722 – Tattered Blossoms Die
HCD 738 – Ornamental Add On Die
HCDP1 230 – Sunny Day Paper Collection

Project Instructions:

Other products: Grand Decorative Labels One, Decorative Labels One, Labels One, White card stock, Distressed Ink, Glimmer Mist, 3D foam pads, adhesive and die cutting machine.

Instructions: Cut a 6 x 6  piece of White card stock for the base and then cut the middle-sized Grand Decorative Labels One twice.  Score in the middle of the die cuts and cut off 1 inch past the score and fasten to the back of the 6 x 6 base.  Cut a piece of DP for the inside and also for the front.  I chose to use different papers but you can use the same if you want.  For the Interlocking part, on a piece of card stock place the Decorative Labels One face down with the Labels One die centered on the inside.  Tape so that it does not move and cut with your machine.  Fasten 1 edge of the outside to the left side of your card and the opposite edge of the inside to the right side of your card.  To make the flower, stamp, die cut and distress the flowers and then spritz with water and gently crumple the petals.  Once they are dry, spray with glimmer mist and allow to dry fully.  To make the flower bud use your stylist to curl the pedals toward the center and glue the edges of the petals together.  Once your flower is complete attach it to the right hand side of your card and finish decorating your card as desired.

I hope to see  you again soon.  I love to read your comments, thank you so much!

joann sig 2

About Castlepark Designs

My name is Joann and I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia with my husband Miles. We have one son who is in the Royal Canadian Navy. I have worked full time in the Finance and Insurance industry for the past 29 years. I absolutely adore all things paper & glue and have been involved with crafting in some way for most of my life. I have a great admiration for creating projects from paper that may not necessarily be made from paper. When not in my craft room, I enjoy spending time at our cottage enjoying all that nature and suburban life has to offer.

5 responses »

  1. WOW Joann this is just brilliant! It is a great usage of dies. I have been wanting to try this shape for ages so thanks for including a Tutorial too. I just love that flower, and the whole thing just makes for a beautiful finish, the edging just giving that finishing touch. Love it! Thanks for sharing. Judy x


  2. Miss Joann, this is sooooooo GORGEOUSSSSS, I love the paper and how you stamped on it, the die cuts are beautiful, the flower is stunning, I have seen cards like this, but this is fantastic, excellent make, you are soooo creative, thanks for sharing…


  3. Such a neat idea, love the interlocking, and lovely flower!


  4. Beautiful card – I haven’t tried one of these yet. Thanks for the instructions.


  5. How beautiful! Don’t quite understand how it interlocks.



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