Daily Archives: April 7, 2014

Liebster Award

Hi everyone!

My dear friend Judy, the creative talent behind Inkypinkydelights has nominated me for a Liebster Award. This award helps bring awareness to blogs with less than 300 followers through a chain-mail-like, Q&A scenario.

Much like Judy, I am not a chain-in-mail kind of girl but I thought that this was both a nice way to throw a kind word and hopefully some blog hits to some of my favorite blog friends.  I think of this like that movie “Pay it Forward” so this is my way of doing the same.

 Thank you to my dear friend Judy for nominating me, I am a HUGE fan of your work!

Rules for participating in the Liebster Award:

  • Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and answer the questions they presented;
  • Link back to the blogger who awarded you;
  • Copy & paste the pink Liebster Award logo to your blog;
  • Nominate 5 blogs to receive the award who have less than 300 followers. Create a new list of 11 questions for them; and
  • Inform them of their nomination.

Here are Judy’s Questions for Me:

1. What aspect of your hobby do you enjoy the most?
a.  I enjoy making 3D projects and get the biggest joy out of creating something that people sit back and say “Wow, that is all made from paper”

2. Do you have a favorite Color?
a.  While I lean to the Pinks and Browns, anything Pastel is what I seem to gravitate to.

3. What do you enjoy cooking the most?
a.  This is a hard one.  While I really enjoy cooking, especially for a few friends and family, I do most of my crafting on the weekends and I normally get so involved in what I am doing that dinners tend to be a little more simple.

4. What do you do to relax?
a. I play in my crafting room and spend time at my cottage.

5. Do you have anything you save or collect?
a.  I collect paper!  Lots and lots of paper.  I keep buying it and hoard it.

6. Favorite drink?
a.  I am a simple girl, I like my White Wine and the occasional cold beer on the deck at the cottage on a hot summer day.

7. What do you like to shop for most?
a.  Paper!!!!!!!

8. How long have you had your Blog?
a.  I had a blogger account for a short period of time and have had this one since January 2012.

9. What is your best crafty tip?
a.  A girl can never have enough paper.  LOL!! On a serious note, you have to have good materials and tools to work with and set yourself up in a bright sunny place.

10. Do you have a favorite Craft Shop?
a.  Unfortunately there are only a few local scrap booking stores where I live, all of which I frequent but my favorite store is over an hour away so I don’t get there as much as I would prefer.

11.  What do you do with the cards you make?
a.  I keep them.  I can’t let that paper go easily.  I do send cards and projects to some of my special family and friends but that does not come easily.

Now it is my turn.  These are my nominations for the Liebster Award.  Please give them a visit, I am sure that it will not disappoint and will be worth the time. 

Connie from Connie’s Crafty Creations
Dianne from magpiedi-magpiedi
Regina from My World My Solitude
Kathy from Kathy by Design
Marilyn from Crafts and Beyond
Now For My Questions:

1. What is the one thing you cannot resist purchasing when you walk into a craft store?

2.  If you could do anything in your life what would it be?

3.  Do you have a special spot where you craft?

4.  How many scrap booking supplies do you have that your significant other does not know about?

5.  What is your favorite product/brand that you reach for every time you create a project?

6. Do you like to stage your photos with other items or do you like to have them stand by themselves with a neutral background?

7.  Do you own a digital cutting machine?

8.  What is the one card/project that you are the most proud of?

9.  How many hours a week do you craft?

10.  Do you have any special storage solutions for your supplies?

11.  What was your favorite vacation?

I hope to see you again soon.  I love to read your comments, thank you so much!

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